Thursday 3 March 2011

Editing my final video

When I had assembled all of my raw footage from my filming I then had to upload it to a computer so that I could start to edit the footage down to the desired ammount. To do this I used a specialised cable to slot into the camera and then into the computer. I then used a programme called Adobe premiere elements and uploaded the footage onto the progamme so that I could edit it. Once I had uploaded the footage onto the programme I started to cut away the unessacarry footage which was not needed and started to work away at the 40 minutes of raw footage that had been taken. When I had finished cutting the scenes down to size I then put the scenes in order which took a wile as they needed to be slotted together precisely.
Then After I had finished editing the video I edited the sound by uploading the music that My co-worker and I had wrote and fitted the music to the video precisely by cutting the footage make the certain beats fit. Then I get rid of some of the sound that was unessacary on the main video that was left over from the original foootage. That was the final stage and The video was finished.