Thursday 5 May 2011

filming in the forge Interigation scene

This scene is where the protagonist is torchered by a masked figure. This was filmed in a smithery in my local town.
There were some technical problems with our camera equaipment when we arrived at our filming location as the camera had run out of film, this meant that we had to improvise and use something else to film this ended up with me using a Iphone to film the scene. In retrospective I think that the Iphone gave the scene a sense of grainyness which was needed for that scene due to its violent nature. To get a good take it took about an hour due to camera shake and getting the right sort of lighting.

Tuesday 3 May 2011

Evaluation Activity 1: In what ways does your media product use, develop or challange forms and conventions of real media products? (i.e. of teaser trailers/ posters/ magazines)

My Teaser trailer which I made for my A2 media coursework follows some of the conventional forms of real media products but also breaks some of these conventions. From some of the following screen grabs I will talk about if they follow or break the normal conventions of real life media products.

In my media production the mise-en-scene of the characters is a crucial aspect of the audience understanding the different roles of the characters and what they will do. In my teaser trailer the antagonist and his henchmen follow the convention of action and fantasy films by wearing dark clothing, looking ominous, carrying large weapons and wearing black makeup which makes them look evil. In most action films this is the general trend but due to the henchmen wearing gas masks this could make it seem like it was a horror film which was not what we wanted the audience to believe. This could have lead to the confusion of the audience and make the teaser trailer less useful.

The end credits of a trailer are very common in most teasers as this is a way of advertising the producing companies. In our end credits they follow the conventions of normal real life teaser trailers due to there being real companies being advertised at the bottom of the screen, this makes it seem more like a real teaser trailer making it more realistic.

This part of my trailer where the logo of a production company appears is very common in most teaser trailers as it advertises the producer of the film which enables the company to build a better brand image. My video though does doesn't follow some of the conventions usually associated with this type of promotion, as the music in the scene is changing due to the appearance of the Universal symbol. This was due to My Co-worker and I Designing the music for the film to emphasise the appearance of different scenes and events. This makes it more apparent that something has happened which will gain the audiences attention. Also due to using this type of image that is well known to the target audience it makes it seem more professional and real.

This scene is one of our more unconventional scenes where the main protagonist drops his weapons and his bullet belt. In all of the action teaser trailers that I have studied, the protagonist never drops their weapons. This was meant to differentiate the protagonist from the antagonist due to the henchmen wearing black clothing and carrying black assault riffles. The protagonist is meant to be shown shedding his evil looking items onto the floor and using a weapon that portrays the forces of good by using the white katana (samurai sword). The way that this happens is very different to conventional action protagonists for example The film "Rambo" where for the most part of the film he is wearing a bullet belt which looks very masculine but could be mistaken for a antagonist if no prior knowledge was known.

The love scene in my teaser trailer isn't usually common in teaser trailers, as it it seen as something that is more to do with full length trailers of films that come out at a later date. This allows us to improve upon current conventions for teaser trailers and allows the story to develop and give the teaser trailer depth and a Unique Selling Point over all the other ones as it is more able to entice the target audience.

Throughout my teaser trailer I have tried to use a variety of locations which has made the video more enticing to the audience and this has made it more enjoyable. But for example in some teaser trailers the location doesn't change, which could mean that my teaser trailer doesn't follow the conventions of teaser trailers for example, the teaser trailer for the film "Super 8" where the entire video is shot around one location, which is the train line and the crash. But in other teaser trailers like the "Iron man" trailer there is a variety of locations which could show that the conventions for location for trailers varies from film to film and that there is no set convention that an audience is expecting to see.

Throughout my Teaser trailer I have tried to keep the identity of the genre in the video clear, which is a action and fantasy genre. I have done this by having an action packed video which has got scenes of violence and weapons being on display for most of the video. But it also in my video I do have scenes that would detract away from the stereotypical action film teaser trailer, which could be the love scene which are not usually associated with the action genre. This could show that it is not a pure genre but maybe be a hybrid genre which is trying to reach a multiple different audiences. The music within the video also helps to identify the genre due to it being fast paced and not in the background but in the foreground. This helps the audience to identify the film and its genre which enables the producers to target their target market more easily.  

This is the title of my Film which is shown at the end of my Video. This is always shown in teaser trailers at the end which means that this is following that convention fully. The only difference that my title has to other teaser trailers is that it is not as visible to the audience due to the font colour. This is different to other teaser trailers because they are usually very bold and colourful. I have tried to make it seem more subtle and discreet. This may have to make the audience look more intensely but this will also intensify their attention more at the teaser trailer.

The camera shots angles and times of my teaser trailer both follow some of the conventions of normal teaser trailers but also dont follow some of them. during my teaser trailer I have used a variaty of camera shots for example in the photo above I have got a long shot of a room with a person firewelding. In action film teaser trailers, for example the film "Super 8" a varrity of shot types, angles and lenths are used. But mostly in action based films the shots used are long shot which gives the audience the best view of the action. In my teaser trailer I have mostly used Mid range shots and long range shots or establishing shots within my video. This is becuase this will give the audience the best view of the action that is going on. I have tried to use these different shot types to make the current scene as interesting as possible.