Thursday 27 January 2011

Other videos that will be simular to our main video

To help my partner and I film a better video we looked online, mostly on to see what other people had created, this lead us to the video above. This video has many of the same themes and props as our own video that we are going to create, some of these include:
1. The use of BB guns is prominant in this video as all of the characters have them. This is simular to our film as most of the characters have them with the execption of the lover of the main protagonist. The other difference is that in this video they use the BB guns to point at each other and kill one-another, in our film we do not do this as they are more for decrative purposes and to add to Mise-en-scene.

2. The use of Katana's is used in this video by a ninja type person to take out a guard in the first minute of the video. We will be using different types of fake swords in our film as well but they will have a more active role in the fight scene of our film as they will be the focus of the battle. Also the katana in their film has a white handle but a black sheeth, which is different to our fake katana due to it being completly white. This could give off conitations of their person with the katana having a darker side to him/her, but with our sword being totally white having conitations of having a good side and words for the forces of good.

3. The clothing in this video is very simular to that of our video, as it is based round military wear. This is shown by the main characters wearing apaeral that is usually worn by special opps units. In our film we have the protagonist wearing a old world war 2 army uniform. Also the bad guys in this film wear dark coloured clothing (mostly black) and is based round either a t-shirt and cargo trousers or with a black shirt with cargo trousers. Round  the middle of the video a ninja assasin takes out a armed guard, he is wearing again army clothing and also is wearing a balaclava with a  airsofting mask in black. In our video we are going to be using two black gas masks which will be covering the two bad guy's acomplaces faces. Also the eye holes for the gas masks are blacked out so the camera cannot see into them, which gives a ominous feel.

Wednesday 26 January 2011

Is our video post modern

mix of genres ?

Practice takes of running scene

For a scene in our video my partner and I were uncertain on how to film a scene and make it seem profesional so we decided to practice on filming this scene beforehand to get the desired shots that we wanted. So we went to the forrest were we are filming for the actual video and took a couple of shots, which are in the videos below.

In these two videos we got our main Protagonist to drop his coat exposing a samuria sword. We did this from both the front and the back, and then in the editing stages of filming we would edit them together and get a smooth continueous movement of him taking his coat off from both the front and the back. In the main video we intend to do this but also for him to have a fake/toy gun on his back to add to the effect of the scene. This could be classed as a homage to the rambo films as he wears guns on his back.

Tuesday 25 January 2011

The two swords for our main characters

For the main Protagonist and the Antagonist my partner and I have sourced and acquired two fake swords. The mise-en-scene for these swords was crucial so we took much time and effort searching and researching into the appropriate type and colour that would be best suited to each character.
In the end we found both swords from picture 1 and picture 2. These swords were perfect for both of the roles of our characters due to many charatistics that they had, these being:
That the Protagonists sword was a samurai sword or formally know as a Katana. This sword was used by 16th century Samurai and ceased to be used around the 1900's. The samurai that used them were seen as a force of good as they were the ones that protected the lands of Japan. The sword we have in bright white which gives off connotations of pureness.
Picture 1 Protagonists sword

Picture 2 Antagonists sword

The Antagonists sword is perfect for his role is due to it looking like a tribal weapon. This is because it has teeth stitched onto the sheeth for the sword this gives out conitations of evil, that along with the tribal looking paterns on the sheeth as well make it look more old and treasured. Also the handle is made out of deer antler which is pointed and makes it seem more dangerous.

Friday 21 January 2011

Location Change

After much consideration my partner and I wish to change the location of the forest scene as we have found a more aesthetically pleasing area to film rather than that of the Oxshot area of forest and is more in keeping with our original idea of what the forest should look like. So instead we have decided to use a area of forest near the town of Headley. This forest is more suited to our desired mise-en-scene due to it being used as a local shooting ground for clay shooting. This means that the local area looks damaged due to a war or battle. This makes it more realistic and looks more like a real war has occured. This is due to the trees having chunks taken out of them due to pellit fire. Also we could sprinkle empty shotgun cartrages on the floor to add to the feel and realness.

Thursday 6 January 2011

Locations for our main video

For our main  video I have selected a large variety of set locations which we can film in. These locations include:

The St Mary's church in Leatherhead
This is a perfect place to do multiple scences for our video due to there being church style chairs inside the church that we can use to film with and also that the main church itsself which we will use as the protagonist kneels before the ulter. Also the graveyard outside is the perfect place to film our Protagonist meets Antagonist scene, due to the headstones looking old and damaged. Also the chruch itsself was built in the 1100 AD so has a very gothic feel to the building so looks like a hive where evil can form or hide.

Forrests near Oxshot
These forrests are very dense birch tree areas which are very tall and are very close and packed together, this makes the protagonist as he runs through it seem more segmented and almost like stop motion picture footage.

Sunday 2 January 2011

filming in the church

For this scene My co-worker and I were filming in a medievil church.
This scene was interesting to film as some obstibles emerged. These inlcuded that we did not bring a steady cam to use wilst moving with the camera which resulted in some camera shake. To counter this I decided to use a old wheel chair that was not being used in the church. This acted as a form of steady cam and lead to a much steadier shot being taken. Also as a more inovative idea that we had wilst filming was that we could use a tripod to steady a low shot shot wilst the camera was upsidedown to get the low angle that we wanted and then turn the image round to normal in the editing. This church scene fits in well with my mise-en-scene for my film due to it meanting to be a more gothic styled film where the protagonist is of a slightly darker nature.