Thursday 27 January 2011

Other videos that will be simular to our main video

To help my partner and I film a better video we looked online, mostly on to see what other people had created, this lead us to the video above. This video has many of the same themes and props as our own video that we are going to create, some of these include:
1. The use of BB guns is prominant in this video as all of the characters have them. This is simular to our film as most of the characters have them with the execption of the lover of the main protagonist. The other difference is that in this video they use the BB guns to point at each other and kill one-another, in our film we do not do this as they are more for decrative purposes and to add to Mise-en-scene.

2. The use of Katana's is used in this video by a ninja type person to take out a guard in the first minute of the video. We will be using different types of fake swords in our film as well but they will have a more active role in the fight scene of our film as they will be the focus of the battle. Also the katana in their film has a white handle but a black sheeth, which is different to our fake katana due to it being completly white. This could give off conitations of their person with the katana having a darker side to him/her, but with our sword being totally white having conitations of having a good side and words for the forces of good.

3. The clothing in this video is very simular to that of our video, as it is based round military wear. This is shown by the main characters wearing apaeral that is usually worn by special opps units. In our film we have the protagonist wearing a old world war 2 army uniform. Also the bad guys in this film wear dark coloured clothing (mostly black) and is based round either a t-shirt and cargo trousers or with a black shirt with cargo trousers. Round  the middle of the video a ninja assasin takes out a armed guard, he is wearing again army clothing and also is wearing a balaclava with a  airsofting mask in black. In our video we are going to be using two black gas masks which will be covering the two bad guy's acomplaces faces. Also the eye holes for the gas masks are blacked out so the camera cannot see into them, which gives a ominous feel.

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