Tuesday 25 January 2011

The two swords for our main characters

For the main Protagonist and the Antagonist my partner and I have sourced and acquired two fake swords. The mise-en-scene for these swords was crucial so we took much time and effort searching and researching into the appropriate type and colour that would be best suited to each character.
In the end we found both swords from picture 1 and picture 2. These swords were perfect for both of the roles of our characters due to many charatistics that they had, these being:
That the Protagonists sword was a samurai sword or formally know as a Katana. This sword was used by 16th century Samurai and ceased to be used around the 1900's. The samurai that used them were seen as a force of good as they were the ones that protected the lands of Japan. The sword we have in bright white which gives off connotations of pureness.
Picture 1 Protagonists sword

Picture 2 Antagonists sword

The Antagonists sword is perfect for his role is due to it looking like a tribal weapon. This is because it has teeth stitched onto the sheeth for the sword this gives out conitations of evil, that along with the tribal looking paterns on the sheeth as well make it look more old and treasured. Also the handle is made out of deer antler which is pointed and makes it seem more dangerous.

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