Tuesday 12 April 2011

Evaluation Activity 3: What have you learnt from your audience feedback?

For the third task my class filmed my co-worker and I talking about our media texts and then got back feedback from the class on what was good and what could have been improved from looking at the different media texts.

Another comment that I received from a person on facebook about my teaser trailer was:
"My only criticism is that at the very end the swords do not appear to hit properly. apart from that, everything was great. I especially liked the bits where George was blacksmithing and the section where Joe is being stuck, it made it feel more like a real media text."

This feedback could show many different strengths and also weaknesses in my media studies video. The major points that people have picked up on are:

  • That the use of different locations is very interesting which makes it more entertaining. 
  • That the music fits well with the video that is being shown. 
  • The use of sound to create a mood at a certain point during the video.
  • The cross cutting between the different scenes is good and builds the story up.
  • There is a good match on action throughout the teaser trailer.
  • That the sound of the anvil being hit was out of time with the music.
  • The swords at the end do not appear to hit properly.
  • That the cutting could have been made faster to give a faster pace to the video.
  • The church scene filming was uneven as camera shake occured.

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