Thursday 28 October 2010

Research for our Final Task: Mise en scene

picture 1 (Trench coat)
picture 2 (Army shirt)
Picture 3 (Bullet belt)

These are some of the costumes that we will be using for our media studies final video. All of the items of clothing and accessories in the pictures above I have found to be of value to add to our film due to them improving the mise-en-scene of our video which will make it more immersive and life like to the time period that my partner and I wish to create. The Trench coat (picture 1) will be used for the antagonist, this is due to the trench coat making the antagonist look taller and more imposing. Also due to the trenchcoat being a stereotypical thing that western societies class to be worn by Russian soldures you will have the classic war story of the western nations of either America or Enlgand having a war against Russia. Using this we then get the audience to then use their own stereotypical views to see and realise that this person is evil and the person that the protagonist will be fighting against.

The army shirt (picture 2) will be worn by the protaginist. This is due to it seeming very

Monday 18 October 2010

Research into different genre's of teaser trailers

for our main film teaser trailer we need to choose the right sort of genre for it to make it as good as we possably can this will mean that we will need one that

Sunday 17 October 2010

final preliminary task rohan and jack

Adding sound to our preliminary task

for our preliminary task we mostly got rid of the sound in most of the scenes apart from some of the crucial bits like a door creaking or a door slamming. We then had to replace this empty space with something so we recorded jack heavily breathing to fill the majority of the footage which faded into the footage about 10 seconds in. we also recorded a group of children singing the nursery rhyme "ring a ring a roses" which then ended with a demented ending. All of the recording was done in the schools own recording studio and we used cube base 4 to edit the sounds that we recorded.
The use of the nursery rhyme was used due to it being a stereotypical part of horror films as used by "Nightmare on Elm Street" in the 2010 and 1980's trailers. These sounds were then layered on top of the footage and matched to the proper scene.

Editing our preliminary task

After my partner and I had finished filming our preliminary task we proceeded to upload our footage onto one of the school media studies computers. This went reasonably well and didn't have any problems with the camera's uploading the footage, this meant that we did not have to do any editing of the footage to stop disjointedness of the footage. After we had uploaded the footage we then started to separate the different scenes of the footage that we had taken into different segments. These segments were then put in order of the way we wanted them to be shown in the final piece. Then we started to cut pieces of the footage off to make it seem more smooth and continuous. After we had finished cutting the footage in the right places we then added in a Tittle to our footage in a bright red font that looked like it was dripping which gives the impression of it being a horror movie. We then made any necessary time editing changes for example we increased the speed of the footage for the scary teenager Gaul scene by 20%. we then checked that we were within the specified time length that we could use.

Tuesday 12 October 2010

Toy Story 3 - Official Teaser Trailer

This is an example of a  teaser trailer that has come out. The characteristics of the teaser trailer are that it is short and doesn't give away any of the storyline and that you only know that something is going to be coming out with that name and the different characters involved. This builds up the anticipation by the audience and makes them want to go and see it more because they have been left on a cliffhanger.

Sunday 10 October 2010

starting filming

Today we started filming for our preliminary teaser trailer. We started by going to one of the English rooms that was not being used for teaching and started to film our preliminary task. This went relatively smoothly and only took us about 15 minutes to film to a good standard. We tried to get the room to a relatively dark state so it would add more ambiance to the scene.
We then went into a adjacent English room and filmed a scene of someone trying to escape from a English room but the door closing just before they reach it. To make sure that the footage looked as moody as possible we used some of the cam corders effects which allowed us to manipulate the footage that we were taking. This again didn't take that long and only took us about 25 minutes and the only trouble we had was on getting my arm out of the video as the door shut. To counter this I had to crouch behind the door and jack would have to say "go" and I would shut the door. We then in editing cut the sound out of the film when he says this to stop any disjointness of the footage. The English rooms were perfect for our filming due to their creaky doors that were noisy and gave a great noise effect, which saved us time when we were editing due to not having to get a sound effect off a website which could have caused it to sound fake and not convincing to the audience.

the begining of our teaser trailer

We have started to think about the locations of our footage for our teaser trailer now and have started to come up with many different ideas of where to film our teaser trailer. These locations are restricted to the school grounds due to the teaser trailer having to be about Therfield school. These locations include some of the smaller English rooms, which are good due to them being dark and stuffy which have very loud creaky doors which are great to create a good atmosphere for the teaser. Also we could use the main hall which again is a dark room but also has a drama stage in it and has blood red curtains which could convey either terror or a sign of danger. We also could use a business classroom in our school due to them being like old style so it could have a retro feel to it.

Saturday 9 October 2010

Basic ideas for our Preliminary Task (test film teaser trailer)

For this task we had to decide on the genre that we would be using for our preliminary task. This was fairly simple as we did a musical last year for our main task, which we found very hard to complete in the time allocated. This meant that we went for something that would be a lot easier to film in a short amount of time with more stereotypical shots and Mise-En-Scene that we could use to make it as good as we could. There were many different genres that we decided to consider these being horror, action, comedy and science fiction. Out of these we found that it would be the easiest option for us was to do a horror due to it having many elements that we could use to make a teaser trailer for example we can do 1st person shots of people going through school and you would not need the same sort of expensive technoligy to make a horror film as it is more basic than a sci fi film.