Saturday 9 October 2010

Basic ideas for our Preliminary Task (test film teaser trailer)

For this task we had to decide on the genre that we would be using for our preliminary task. This was fairly simple as we did a musical last year for our main task, which we found very hard to complete in the time allocated. This meant that we went for something that would be a lot easier to film in a short amount of time with more stereotypical shots and Mise-En-Scene that we could use to make it as good as we could. There were many different genres that we decided to consider these being horror, action, comedy and science fiction. Out of these we found that it would be the easiest option for us was to do a horror due to it having many elements that we could use to make a teaser trailer for example we can do 1st person shots of people going through school and you would not need the same sort of expensive technoligy to make a horror film as it is more basic than a sci fi film.

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