Sunday 17 October 2010

Editing our preliminary task

After my partner and I had finished filming our preliminary task we proceeded to upload our footage onto one of the school media studies computers. This went reasonably well and didn't have any problems with the camera's uploading the footage, this meant that we did not have to do any editing of the footage to stop disjointedness of the footage. After we had uploaded the footage we then started to separate the different scenes of the footage that we had taken into different segments. These segments were then put in order of the way we wanted them to be shown in the final piece. Then we started to cut pieces of the footage off to make it seem more smooth and continuous. After we had finished cutting the footage in the right places we then added in a Tittle to our footage in a bright red font that looked like it was dripping which gives the impression of it being a horror movie. We then made any necessary time editing changes for example we increased the speed of the footage for the scary teenager Gaul scene by 20%. we then checked that we were within the specified time length that we could use.

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