Thursday 28 October 2010

Research for our Final Task: Mise en scene

picture 1 (Trench coat)
picture 2 (Army shirt)
Picture 3 (Bullet belt)

These are some of the costumes that we will be using for our media studies final video. All of the items of clothing and accessories in the pictures above I have found to be of value to add to our film due to them improving the mise-en-scene of our video which will make it more immersive and life like to the time period that my partner and I wish to create. The Trench coat (picture 1) will be used for the antagonist, this is due to the trench coat making the antagonist look taller and more imposing. Also due to the trenchcoat being a stereotypical thing that western societies class to be worn by Russian soldures you will have the classic war story of the western nations of either America or Enlgand having a war against Russia. Using this we then get the audience to then use their own stereotypical views to see and realise that this person is evil and the person that the protagonist will be fighting against.

The army shirt (picture 2) will be worn by the protaginist. This is due to it seeming very

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