Sunday 10 October 2010

starting filming

Today we started filming for our preliminary teaser trailer. We started by going to one of the English rooms that was not being used for teaching and started to film our preliminary task. This went relatively smoothly and only took us about 15 minutes to film to a good standard. We tried to get the room to a relatively dark state so it would add more ambiance to the scene.
We then went into a adjacent English room and filmed a scene of someone trying to escape from a English room but the door closing just before they reach it. To make sure that the footage looked as moody as possible we used some of the cam corders effects which allowed us to manipulate the footage that we were taking. This again didn't take that long and only took us about 25 minutes and the only trouble we had was on getting my arm out of the video as the door shut. To counter this I had to crouch behind the door and jack would have to say "go" and I would shut the door. We then in editing cut the sound out of the film when he says this to stop any disjointness of the footage. The English rooms were perfect for our filming due to their creaky doors that were noisy and gave a great noise effect, which saved us time when we were editing due to not having to get a sound effect off a website which could have caused it to sound fake and not convincing to the audience.

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