Monday 13 December 2010

Actors for our video

For our video we have chosen to use a variety of different actors for the different roles of our characters and this means that we do not have to re-use actors for different roles which gives it a sense of professionalism.

The main Protagonist: Joe Saw
My partner and I decided to use Joe as our main protagonist due to him having a unique style with a Mohawk which makes him look epic. This and also that he has soft features which make him likable and kind. This allows the audience to relate to him and use their own stereotypical views to see him as the good guy.
The main Antagonist: Jack kent 
I decided that Jack was a perfect choice for our main antagonist due to him being intimidating in general and this is what is crucial for a truly good bad guy in a film. He is tall so will look good from low angle shots and has a very angular jaw  and facial features which makes him look more edgy and contrasts his face compared to that of Joe our main Protagonist who has very soft features. He is a trained actor so will be able to act very well when filming, which will make the video look more authentic and real.
The antagonists lackeys:
These would be two preferably male and equal in height but shorter than their evil master which automatically shows a chain of command. They will be wearing gas masks which will give them a sense of eeriness and scariness. This will show the audience that they are also on the antagonists side. (Harry kent and Harry Baggs)

Protagonists lover: Tanya Gibbs
I decided to use Joe's girlfriend as the female lover due to her being already a female actress and also that because she is Joe's girlfriend there would not be any awkwardness between them both as we film the love seen so it could seem as real and sincere as possible. Due to us not having any Hollywood standard actors, we want to make it look as natural as possible without it seeming either very staged or forced.

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