Tuesday 14 December 2010

Clothing for the main Protagonist

Four our final video my partner and I have put much consideration into the costumes of our characters. These are some of the concepts of what we think they should wear.

Main Protagonist
For our main protagonist I think that he will need to be wearing something that will make him look patriotic due to our film being set in a 1930's to 1040's futuristic setting. In the picture below is a real 1940's uniform which will make him look like a solder from the army. This fits in with his personality profile for his character. Also the army jacket makes him look heroic and brave so this will automatically make the audience rely on their much used stereotypical views to see that this person is the good guy in this video. In Picture 2 there is a picture of a bullet belt which is seen in many different types of film and is usually carried by the main protagonist. Films that have the main character carrying a bullet belt include "The Mummy" film trilogy, "The A team" and the "Rambo" series. It could also be classed as homage to the classic western films that always had these sorts of armaments. Also the main protagonist will be carrying a samurai sword (katana) in the colour white which has the connotations of being of pure heart and mind who is fighting for the powers of good. This again could be paying homage to other samuria films such as "The Last Samuria" or could be following the mixing of different styles like Quentin Tarantino did for his film "Kill Bill 1 and 2" as the bride of the film wields a katana.

Picture 1
Picture 2

Picture 3

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