Friday 10 December 2010

what stereotypes have been used in my film?

In my teaser trailer there are many different character with different clothing, makeup and props, this means that the audience will view each character in a different way. This means that the audience will stereotype each of the different characters to recognise them and what their role will be in the video.
Some of the more prominent stereotypes that were in my film could be:

The Antagonist. This is due to the antagonist being easily recognisable due to the clothing that he is wearing throughout the teaser trailer which would include a black coat with black trousers. He also is wearing excessive make-up which is black to give the appearance of someone who has not had sleep but also a person who can look very evil. His hair is also styled to look messy which shows the audience that he does not care about his appearance very much. This could show the audience that his stereotype could be a evil villain which who should be despised.

The Henchmen: The henchmen of my film are stereotypical because they all look similar to one another. This is due to the mise-en-scene for each of them being the same. For example I have made them all wear black clothing and the same sort of gas mask. They also are always near or next to the antagonist. This gives them a seem like clones of each other which then the audience then realise is due to the Antagonist controlling them. This allows them to make the connection to stereotype them as the underlings of the antagonist.

The Protagonist: The protagonist is a harder character to stereotype due to him breaking many of the usual conventions of a good character. This is due to him wearing black and carrying big weaponry. I have decided to use this type of mise-en-scene due to our film getting inspiration from the "Final fantasy" series of films which portrays the main protagonist with a slightly darker personality. I have gone with a similar approach with my protagonist due to his black clothing but I have given the audience the clues to his role in the film, by giving him a white sword which portrays the forces of good and that he is fighting against the obvious antagonist which should allow the audience to make the connection to realise that he is the protagonist.

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