Thursday 16 December 2010

Clothing for the main Antaginist

For our main Antagonist we have thought about making him look as sinister and evil as we possibly can. This is because we want the audience to know and decide in a short amount of time that he is the bad guy of the video. For his costume we have decided that he should wear a full length black trench coat that would come down to his feet. This type of coat has been used massively in films and inspires a Gothic look. Some of the most famous examples being from the matrix for example the twins from the second film "matrix reloaded". The only difference being that they are in white rather than in black which could lead to some stereotypes being confused, e.g. that white represents purity and the forces of good. But they also have a alternate figure which turns them into demons which then eliminates any ideas that these two are the good guys. Also I would like for the antagonist to wear high platform boots which are seen as very Gothic and alternative. This will also boost his height which will also make him seem more intimidating. Also as you can see from picture 3 we are trying to make our antagonists look as evil as possible, so we have decided to give him a sword with teeth on it so it has an ornate feel to it to seem more aged. Also stereotypically most antagonists have a larger weapon than the protagonist so that when he loses it seems more heroic. He should also wear sunglasses that hide his eyes to give him a sence of mystery. These are modeled from "Mr Smith" from the Matrix trilogy.

Picture 1

Picture 2

picture 3

picture 4

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